Meharry ASDA

Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry
American Student Dental Association Chapter
A Word From Our President
As the 2024-2025 President, my goals are to focus on community service, mentorship, and leadership.
I plan to attain these goals by ensuring our chapter hosts a community service event once a month that will benefit those of our underserved community in Nashville, Tn.
My plan is to also continue the mentorship that was instilled upon me by the previous President’s. This will be accomplished by meeting with the executive board monthly to provide guidance and support to be able to thoroughly run a successful chapter. Meharry ASDA will ensure that tasks are being completed and certain annual events are being executed, such as: Vendor Fair, Beyond the Clinics Business Symposium and Oral Health Day. I will also meet with each chair of the sub-executive committee individually, to reassure and support each member as they thrive in their positions with ASDA.
To shine light on leadership, I will always remind my Eboard members and sub-executive members that I am not just here to delegate but to share the work-load as well. I plan to work with members of Meharry ASDA chapter side-by-side to assist in executing an event and networking with the necessary administration to make sure Meharry ASDA is recognized not just at the school level, but also on the district and national level.
By the closing of the 2023-2024 school year I expect our chapter to have successfully shown our full understanding and support for: advocacy, community service, pre-dental focuses, wellness, diversity and inclusion. As a team, we ultimately will achieve working simultaneously to reach the mission of ASDA, which is to “Protect and advance the rights, interest and welfare of students”; as well as reaching the mission of our school, Meharry Medical College which is to, “Worship of God through service to Mankind”.
Thank you for visiting our website and please continue to visit as we promote our upcoming events throughout the school year.
Warm regards,
sDr. Alyse Pearson-Bryant
Meharry ASDA President