Meharry ASDA

Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry
American Student Dental Association Chapter

Volunteer Instructions
Oral Health Day 2018
Health Screening Team

Thank you for your time and efforts to make this event a success!
Once the patient registration process is complete, patients move (with their forms) to the health screening area. In this zone, patients receive a blood pressure screening and a medical evaluation. Patients who are medically ‘cleared’ move on to the dental triage area.
Position Description: Health Screening Volunteer
Job Description:
To support this mission by being able to provide all of the following basic medical screenings for each participant:
• identify participants currently on blood thinners
• review medical history for drug allergies and completeness
• blood pressure reading (use of manual sphygmomanometer/cuffs)
• highlight and record values; to be used in dental triage process
Receive an email regarding which clinic you will be assigned and seating.
On March 10, 2018 report to New Alumni Hall for volunteer registration. Registrations begins at 6:45 A.M. Please arrive NO LATER than 7:00 a.m. *Continental breakfast provided*
Volunteer orientation will begin at 7:15 in New Alumni Hall. You will receive information from your team leader regarding basic information about the event, a thank you letter, and your assigned seating.
At 7:30 a.m. report to your assigned health screening table.
Perform the following:
Anticoagulant Medication Check – Please ask prior to screening participant
ARE YOU ON ANY ANTICOAGULANT SUCH AS COUMADIN/WARFARIN? IF YES, document and highlight name of anticoagulant on registration form AND refer participant to nursing supervisor for PT/INR evaluation before performing any further screening
Drug Allergies – ASK, DOCUMENT AND HIGHLIGHT IF ANY DRUG Allergies On Registration Form
Blood Pressure – clean stethoscope ear pieces with alcohol when passing equipment on to the next shift
Document blood pressure reading on participant copy, registration form and tic sheet
165/100 and above? Repeat blood pressure reading after several minutes, document and highlight all elevated readings on all forms
Do you have high blood pressure?
Are you on blood pressure medicine; Have you taken it today? Record answer on registration form; example: dx Hypertension, on hypertension meds, taken today, OR on hypertension meds, not taken today
Pulse – document on registration form and highlight if irregular
If patient is a "GO" for dental treatment place a "GREEN" sticker on the patient folder.
If the patient Patients whose blood pressure are high, but borderline are able to stay in a waiting area for a re-test. Patients whose levels are too high to be considered safe for treatment are asked to leave and given the names of the referral dentists who have agreed to provide follow- up care to OHD patients. Place a "RED" sticker on the outside of the patient folder.
The Patient Registration team will stop taking patients at 4:30 p.m so clinics may close at 5:00 p.m.
Please stay to help clean up your area at the end of your shift.
Closing remarks and volunteer check-out will take place in the dental school lobby at 5:30 p.m.
NOTE: If you sign up for the afternoon shift (11:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) please pick-up your welcome folder from New Alumni Hall no later than 10:30 a.m. Then report to your assigned table.